An experienced Software Engineer available to advise early stage startups on technical direction and team development.

Why are we here

Call it as it is: I love my job. With that taken care of, if you’re looking for technical advice or need help building out a talent funnel I’m happy to help with you realize your vision and answer your questions.



System Design


Distributed Systems

Data Engineering

Monitoring & Observability

Scaling Infrastructure

Interviews & Team Assembly

Backend Engineering

Articles & Publications


Disney Streaming Services

Senior Software Engineer (Current and not looking to move)

Leading the development and scaling of rate limiting and anomaly detection software & architecture using the AWS cloud platform in conjunction with Scala, Python and open source technologies such as Redis and Flink.

Harry’s Inc.

Staff Engineer (2018 - 2019) / Data Engineer ( 2014 - 2018)

Led backend systems and design, building out a growing suite of micro-services serving a variety of needs from messaging to order processing to checkouts. Working mostly within the Scala ecosystem building apps with Akka and Play, running in Docker containers on the AWS cloud. Led the development best practices such as CI/CD workflows, alerting and metric monitoring as well as onboarding and mentoring other developers.


Software Engineer (2013-2014)

Starting out as a self taught engineer after making my career change from business development, working on ad targeting platforms in Java, C and Python.